Impressive Three Finalists for Poetry Book Award

Melissa Helton

Melissa taught in colleges and universities for 17 years and is now the Literary Arts Director at the Hindman Settlement School in Hindman, Kentucky. Her work has been supported by the Kentucky Foundation for Women and has been awarded prizes in poetry and nonfiction.

Zachary Johnson
An Offering

Zachary is a pediatric nurse with deep love for both caregiving and creative expression. As a parent of two, Zachary balances the demands of family life with a passion for writing poetry. Inspired by nature, his work often explores themes of connection, healing and the natural world.

Elisabeth Jensen

Elisabeth is a forest therapy guide, life coach and mother of three living in Nicholasville, Kentucky. She spends almost every waking moment engaging with three great loves: nature, humans and creative expression. See more of Elisabeth’s work at

“We were surprised and delighted by the number of submissions, but we were really impressed with the quality of the work we received,” comments Managing Director Larry Pemble. He continues, “We are encouraged by the reception the foundation has received and are already discussing 2025!”


Meet the First Winner of the James Baker Hall Foundation Book Award!


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